54. Have a party, 58.) Have a Disney movie viewing party where are people need to “be our guests”, but it won’t be “under the sea” 88. Spa day

Well, with a somber heart, I begin this post. Today is Tuesday, August 13, the last day of summer. Also, with total sadness, I have to report that we didn’t finish all 101 things during this summer vacation. I guess life just gets in the way of things that really do matter. I apoligize on behalf of myself and Alicia for letting all 36,759 of you (or whatever) down. It’s sad to me to think that we had such high aspirations and we failed. 144 things were  a lot, but 101? Next summer, there will only be 50 things because it’s better to have quality over quantity, right? We don’t want to have a repeat of last year and for go bowling, we played wii bowling..that is not the point. The point it to enjoy everything we do and make people smile.

Now, yesterday, Monday, Alicia and a few of our friends came over to my house to get blog stuff done. However, what ended up happening is I made dinner (and it was delicious) and we sat around and enjoyed each others’ company. When we did decide to do stuff, it was 12:00 in the morning and well, it didn’t happen. So, I guess our little pow-wow could be considered a party because there were people, food, and enjoyment. I think that counts.

After our friends left the next morning, Alicia and I completed two blog items: the first was spa day, number 88. Spa day for us was using my Love Lettuce face mask from Lush Cosmetics and painting our nails.

The wonderous stuff that makes our faces amazingly soft and clean.

The wondrous stuff that makes our faces amazingly soft and clean.




Alicia and I just finished putting on our face masks. Looking hot as ever, right?

Alicia and I just finished putting on our face masks. Looking hot as ever, right?

All clean!

All clean!

After, we painted our nails and didn’t take any photos. I picked a watermelon-y color and Alicia picked a sparkle-y red. When we finished our nails, we were going to have a Disney movie marathon, but, instead we watched Hercules on Netflix. It shocks me to think that as a young child I watched that movie. I know I hated it when I was little, but dang, it’s scary. All the freaking Disney movies are so scary. Like Sleeping Beauty. She gets cursed by a witch, goes somewhere she shouldn’t go and pricks her finger and almost dies. What the heck?!? Cinderella. She is a slave. Mistreated by her evil stepmother and then has to, with the help of her only mice friends, become a princess. Ok, maybe Cinderella isn’t that scary..but..Hercules was. The whole fighting scenes and Hades and Pain and Panic. How are young children able to sleep at night? Don’t get me wrong, I love Disney movies but dang.

Well, that’s all I have to say. Look for more posts later about the end of summer.

Much love and summer fun!



Molly and Alicia


1. Rainbow Cake photos

9. Make our LIFE BUCKET LIST (Molly)


This list item has been a work in progress for as long as I can remember. I’ve had a list in my head of things I’ve wanted to get done for a long time and Alicia and I decided to finally write our lists down. My list is really long and so I’ll just give you a snip-it of what’s on it.

Mostly, I want to travel and eat food. The food that’s number one on my list is turducken. Turducken is a chicken stuffed into a duck and then both birds go into a large turkey. There is stuffing and other stuff that goes in there too but I really want to try it. I would ask for all the poultry because sometimes you only get the turkey part and if I just wanted turkey, I would ask for turkey, right? I want it all!

Secondly, a mixture of both travel and eating: I want to eat my way through Italy. I saw the movie Eat, Pray, Love which is honestly a horrible movie and I’ve heard the book isn’t so great, and my favorite part was when she was in Italy. I didn’t care about what Julia Roberts was saying, I wanted what she was eating! My favorite food “genre” is Italian and Italy just looks like a beautiful place.

Another place I want to travel is to the Great Wall of China. Something about the historical aspect and just the massiveness of it draws it to me.

I want to go to all the 50 states in America. Especially the four corners where Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado meet.

Something else I want to do is win some award. Either an Oscar, Pulitzer, or Nobel Peace Prize will do. 🙂

And I really want to either go to a tapping of SNL or host SNL. You never know 🙂

A lot of the other stuff on my list has to do with my obsession with getting a goldendoodle or traveling, or goals I have.

My main goal now is to get through my junior year of high school with only going a little bit more crazy than I already am.

Well, that’s a little snippet of my LIFE BUCKET LIST!

Much love and summer fun!

Molly (and Alicia too)

1. Make a rainbow cake, 10. Make a fruit roll up fortune cookie, and 11. Make ice cream

Sorry for the delay with our posts, but don’t worry, we’ve been getting stuff done(ish).

Anyway, hello everyone. On Thursday, the freaking first day of August, we made a rainbow cake, fruit roll up fortune cookies, did the baby food challenge, we made ice cream, kept three balloons in the air for a minute, bobbed for apples, and we did the saltine cracker challenge. It was a day of delicious food and challenges, I guess.

The most surprising thing we’ve gotten done is the rainbow cake. I was really impressed because we honestly thought it was going to be a Pinterest fail–like all the other projects from Pinterest we’ve done. Though, it wasn’t. The cake was delicious (because how hard is it to screw up a cake from a box) and they looked like a rainbow.

We did an actual rainbow cake where the colors are all together in the cake pan and then we did a layered cake using a scone pan. We ended up just making a mess with the layered cake.

Pre-sliced rainbow cake.

Pre-sliced rainbow cake.

Sliced and eaten cake.

Sliced and eaten cake.

You can actually see the rainbow, correct?!

You can actually see the rainbow, correct?!

The layered cake pieces when they were still batter.

The layered cake pieces when they were still batter.

The cooked cake!

The cooked cake!

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Check out more photos here

I believe while our cakes were cooking away, or at some point during the day, we made fruit roll up fortune cookies. They aren’t hard to make, but just really sticky. You need:
Fruit roll up
A cup or a cookie cutter (something in the shape of a circle)
Paper for the fortunes
A plate or something for you to put underneath the sticky fruit roll up so it won’t stick to your kitchen table.

Your first step is to take the cup or the cookie cutter to make a circle out of the fruit roll up. Make sure the fruit roll up is on a plate or something so it doesn’t stick.

See, after Alicia tried this, the fruit roll up got stuck to the table. We got it off though.

See, after Alicia tried this, the fruit roll up got stuck to the table. We got it off though. She has the directions from Pinterest open on her phone 🙂

Once you have the circle, you place a fortune in the inside. I took a lined post-it note and cut on the lined part to make strips.

Fold the cookie either in half if you are lazy like me or like a real fortune cookie (your choice).


So, I know for sure, after we made the cakes (sorry, going out of order), we made ice cream. Last year we made ice cream and that was the last time I made ice cream so we decided to make it again.

You need:
An ice cream maker of sorts
Heavy whipping cream
Another type of milk. Skim milk doesn’t work well but we used vanilla almond milk and it was so yummy.
Vanilla extract.

Mix your ice cream base together and then pour into your ice cream maker.

Let churn for as long as your ice cream maker says.

So thrilled about having to churn the ice cream.

So thrilled about having to churn the ice cream.

Alicia is excited about holding the freezing cold bowl of ice cream.

Alicia is excited about holding the freezing cold bowl of ice cream.

The finished product. The ice cream my maker makes is supposed to come out nice and smooth and it did. Yum.

The finished product. The ice cream my maker makes is supposed to come out nice and smooth and it did. Yum.

Well, look forward to an updated array of post that are in the works.


Much love and summer fun!



Molly and Alicia

37. Go see some movies and 87. Manicures/pedicures

Hello all!

Before 81dayswontlastforever goes on a brief hiatus due to the fact I’ll be in Disney World with my mom and sister, Alicia and I have some blogging to catch up with. Today, after a week of being extremely busy, Alicia, our friend Alex (who has helped out with the blog), and I went and saw Monsters University. It was ok, not phenomenal like previous Pixar releases.

Overall, I would give it about 3 out of 5 stars. The overall plot wasn’t very thought out and though the characters already had some background with Monsters Inc, the prequel was not needed. (SPOILERS AHEAD)
It was interesting how Mike and Randall (the good guy and the bad guy) were roommates in college and then their relationship drastically changed when Sulley joined the scene and it was nice that Randall’s character foreshadowed information of Monsters Inc such as there was a poster on the dorm wall that said “The Winds of Change” or how Randall and the Mike/Sulley duo were competing, and Mike even made the OK team do scary feet and pre-scaring exercises. I thought in the first movie, Mike seemed to be a pretty confident character and all the other monsters liked him but in the prequel, he was bullied.

I didn’t understand why one of the OK fraternity brothers was an older guy who ended up with the one character’s mom. That was a weird add-on that was completely unnecessary…Heck, the whole movie was unnecessary. And the ending with the campers? What was that all about? And then how the professors kept talking about Sulley’s father. It was played up so much and then towards the end of the movie, there was no references again. Is there a deleted scene that the viewers should see?

And usually the short films that play before the movie are really good. For example, La Luna which played before Brave was amazing and creative. Or, one of my favorites: For the Birds which played before Monsters Inc was movie magic. My second favorite, Partly Cloudy, should have been a movie in itself. However, The Blue Umbrella  was a disappointment. It was a cute five minute love story..about two umbrellas. Alex said that if the short had a yellow umbrella instead it would have been How I Met Your Mother.  

Anyway, so Monsters University like many prequels (and sequels–I’m looking at you Cars 2) should not have been made. A wise teacher Alicia and I had in eighth grade said no movie should ever need a sequel and I agree. Sequels and such just become money makers instead of an original feature.

So, after finishing the movie and our lunch at Chipotle, Alex left because Alicia and I got manicures and pedicures. It was super relaxing and the guy who did my nails was very kind.

At the particular nail place I go to, they always have HGTV on the TV and I don’t understand two things about the houses they have on that channel. One: The house, no matter if it’s a $200,000 house or a $948,000 house, the furnishings are horrible and the walls are the most horrid colors I have ever seen. Who has a $948,000 house and just a bed with a white down comforter in their “master suite”? And the second thing that confuses me is the kitchens! You want the people to purchase an almost one million dollar house that has a kitchen that is smaller than the one we have in our two bedroom house in the burbs? Really? If my house was almost a million dollars, that thing would have at least an island in the middle of the kitchen!

Anyway, for Alicia’s nails, she picked a light purple for her toe nails and she picked almost a tomato red for her fingernails. Both look splendid, of course.

Modeling her tomato-y nails.

Modeling her tomato-y nails.


For my nails, I chose a light pink for my fingers and a teal for my toes.


My very pudgy toes.

My very pudgy toes.

One thing that separates Alicia and I is that Alicia is very tickleish. When you get a pedicure, they rub this thing on your foot to soften the skin on the bottom of your feet. Well, when you are tickleish and they do this, it’s sort of the funniest thing I have ever witnessed. Oh poor Alicia. According to the guy who did my nails, I flinched once..but who’s counting?

So, that concludes our adventure for today. Alicia probably will be posting things about our vlogs and then our arts and crafts day. So, look for that!

Much love and summer fun!



Alex, Molly, and Alicia


66. Vlog for a week and 93. Get jobs (Molly!)

Enjoy my first vlog by myself!
Much love and summer fun!

69. Make multicolored crayons

Hello people.

A few days ago, last Wednesday, Alicia and I made multicolored crayons. For those who don’t know, you take crayons and you melt them in the oven to create a nugget of crayon with beautiful colors.

The supplies needed include:

  • A box of crayons. It helps if you have a lot of crayons or crayons that are old and unusable for coloring.
  • A muffin tins and liners
  • A sharp knife


First, you have to peel off the paper that’s on the crayons. It helps to have a group of people peeling because it takes forever. While peeling, preheat your oven to 275 degrees. Keep the oven temperature low.


After all the crayons are naked, break them up by either snapping them in pieces with your hands or chopping them up with a knife.

Place the pieces in a lined muffin tin. Use a variety of colors in each liner. Alicia and I separated them by warm and cool colors.




Put the tin in the oven and let the crayons melt for 15 minutes.


Take out the crayons and let cool either on the stove top or in the fridge. Our crayons were fine on the stove.


And then you are done! Color away!



Much love and summer fun!



Molly and Alicia

18. Go to the pool

Hello all!

Get ready for a lot of posts because for the past two days, Alicia and I have been busy, busy, busy!

On Friday to kick off our extravaganza of getting blog stuff done, Samantha, Alicia, and I went to our local pool. Samantha’s wonderful family has a membership to this fancy pool and so she invited Alicia and I to go with; we accepted. We spent a good two to three hours swimming and jumping off the diving board and tanning..erm..burning. See, Alicia and I have this unrealistic desire to tan and it just doesn’t work. We end up more red and pink than golden brown. Sigh.

Also, with tradition, I ate a hot dog. Last summer when I went to Wisconsin with Alicia and her family, I ate a hot dog and then on Friday, I ate a hot dog again. The whole reason why I mention this is that I don’t eat anything that moos or oinks. If it’s a bird or a fish, I’ll eat it. And I have to say, no matter what videos like Food Inc or Peta’s videos say about hot dogs, hot dogs are good. Must just be an American thing..I don’t know.

Me enjoying my hot dog.

Me enjoying my hot dog.

Anyway, that’s it; Alicia and I went swimming!

Enjoy this picture of Alicia I took. I got all photographer up in that joint.

Enjoy this picture of Alicia I took. I got all photographer up in that joint.

Much love and summer fun!


Molly and Alicia


61. Make cereal box notepads

Hello everyone! Today, Alicia and I completed three things. We completed number 61. Make cereal box notepads. It’s one of the last arts and crafts projects that we need to do and it was really easy.

You need:

  • Cardboard/cereal box
  • A hole punch
  • Yarn
  •  Notebook/computer paper

If you Google the directions (or use faithful Pinterest), you can surely figure it out. Alicia and I improvised and made a beautiful notepad. Enjoy our photos!

Much love and summer fun!

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Molly and Alicia

92. Complete driver’s ed

Hello all.

Yesterday, Alicia and I completed driver’s ed. It was a long 15 days. To get a graduated driver’s license, which Alicia and I are going to get, you have to do 30 hours of driver’s ed and get more than a 70% on the driving exam. We passed with Alicia getting 98% and I got a 96%. Now, we have to have our permits for nine months and we have to drive for ninety hours. Next summer, we will have our licenses which will be great.

Anyway, there isn’t much else to say except..

Much love and summer fun!


Molly and Alicia

3. Make homemade chocolate turtles and 60. Sharpie plates and bake them


Today Alicia and I did two things on our list. We first made homemade chocolate turtle…brownies. We were originally going to to make the candy that has a pecan and then chocolate and caramel covering it. We decided (well, I decided) the brownies would be less labor intensive and more delicious. Plus, we needed a way to bribe our friends into helping Alicia and me put together a manual for our yearbook class. We wrote almost everything for that book and we honestly don’t want to put it together. What can I say? The co-editors-in-chief are lazy.

Anyway, I found the brownie recipe on Pinterest. Pinterest in the world of having a summer blog is the greatest creation. We got all of our craft ideas from Pinterest. I’m addicted; it’s bad.

Here is the recipe we followed: http://www.cooksrecipes.com/bar/chocolate_turtle_brownies_recipe.html

They were really easy to make and we enjoyed the corner piece we ate. Gosh, it was so freaking good.

And, well ah! They are done!


While the delicious brownies were cooking away, we also completed 60. Sharpie plates and bake them. This is indeed a Pinterest craft. The designs people do are absolutely gorgeous. Ours came out great too. Except, there was one small blunder on the part of the former writing editor of a high school yearbook: I spelled knowledge wrong and then I baked the plate. However, because the plate was still warm, I was able to fix it.


While inscribing a Marilyn Monroe quote on her plate, she works quickly, but with a steady hand.

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I was so proud of my plate however  Alicia and I didn’t notice knowledge was spelled wrong. Ergh.


The “finished” plates before we noticed the mistake.



My plates after I fixed the word.

The finished plates!

The finished plates!

Much love and summer fun!


Molly and Alicia

PS: Did you like Alicia’s shirt? That’s the one she made this year..I think?

PPS: I made our pretzels again. I think Alicia is the pretzel making good luck charm.

PPPS: My fantastic madre mailed the awards out to those fantastic people so congratulations to them!











97. Send people awards for being awesome


During this school year, Alicia and I realized that there are many people in our lives who have changed our lives in many different ways. From the our best friends who help out with the blog, the most friendly kid in school, or the ones who have inspired us, we decided that they needed some recognition. There won’t be a grand party or awards ceremony (darn, I like parties), but we think a little memento of how awesome they are will do. The letters are currently addressed and ready to be shipped out and we hope that the recipients will enjoy their little surprise. To everyone out there, no matter if you will receive an award or not, know that without you, our lives would be completely different.

To our devoted readers, we thank you and we give you all the awards we can. Without you, there would be no blog (and I think that would be sad for everyone). We can’t believe that two teenagers from a small suburb of Chicago can win three blog awards and have 30,601 views on our blog. It’s amazing to us and we are just so grateful.


The envelopes spread out on my floor.

So, if you have received an award, comment below or contact us in another way. All we can really say is thank you.

Enjoy your day!

Much love and summer fun!


Molly and Alicia

22. Paint pottery


Yesterday was a very eventful day for us. We completed three? things and we are continuing on with our very busy summer!

In order to complete number 22. paint pottery, we went to a studio I guess you can call it where there is an array of various pottery pieces you can paint. This particular item is something we have done in the past because probably once in your life when you were little, you have had a pottery painting party or you’ve been to one. Please enjoy the gallery!

Much love and summer fun!

Thanks for 30,000+ views!


Molly, Alicia, and Maddy

68. Tie Dye


Yesterday, Alicia, Maddy, and I did two projects, but one of them are still drying so I’ll talk about one that is done.  We tie dyed again this year and our projects came out fantastic (as usual). We are so artistic, it’s not even funny. Anyway, so to tie-dye, it’s really not that hard so here are some amazing photographs taken by our dear photographer, Maddy!


Supplies gathered

Alicia mixing the dye enthusiastically--as always.

Alicia mixing the dye enthusiastically–as always.

Knotting her design together in order to create something great!

Knotting her design together in order to create something great!


Beginning to dye!

Beginning to dye!




And finally, they were done with the dying process!


Stay tune and keep an eye out for when we wear the shirts!

Much love and summer fun!


Molly and Alicia

91. Get our permits and 93. Get a job (Molly!)

Hello there! It was a very adventurous day in Mollyland today.  Though Alicia and I just started Drivers Ed on Monday, we are able to take the permit test any day after that Monday.  After trying to psych myself up for the past year, I finally decided that I had to do it. At first, I was afraid to get on the whole driving bandwagon, but now that I have the permit and I drove (I’ll get into that later..), I don’t really get why I was freaking out before.

My experience with the DMV (or Driver’s Services) wasn’t a pleasant one. Except, I don’t know if any one has a pleasant experience with the DMV. The people weren’t very happy people and it made me sad. I didn’t want to say or do anything because I didn’t want to get yelled at. My fabulous mom and I got to the DMV around 1:00ish (See, ish is back from last summer!! Woot!) and we were able to get out of there by 2:15. I by no means was there for three hours. Oh god; that would be so bad. There is only so long I can sit in a hard plastic chair and wait. I have the attention span of a three year old. And it wasn’t helping that I was shaking uncontrollably. I have anxiety issues, obviously.

By the time I was called (lucky F660), I was able to give the lady all of my paperwork. She didn’t seem so thrilled to help me, but hey, whatever. Then you have to take a vision test in addition to a writing one. I didn’t realize that the vision test also checks your peripheral vision. So when the lady asked if I saw the blinking lights, I had no idea where they were going to be. I’ve had glasses since I was three and I have been to the eye doctor more times than I can count and I am used to having the stuff be in front of me, not next to me! What a concept! I passed even though I was slightly embarrassed. Oops.

Finally, I was able to get in line for the written exam and it was honestly the easiest thing I’ve taken. I got only one wrong, but hey! Some people have had to take the test at least three times. There was a guy in front of me and it was his third time taking it and he got four wrong..so my one was ok in my book! And I don’t understand people. There was another guy and he went to the bathroom and took his test with him! I mean, have you ever taken a test before? If you have to go potty in the middle of the test, you can’t. End of story. My test was graded so I walked away. People these days. Person, you are going to be on the roads? Maybe I don’t want to drive….

After waiting so all the fancy people with driver’s licenses could get their pictures taken, I finally got my permit. One of the greatest expressions on people’s faces is when they get their driver’s license and they are smiling at it and really excited. It’s kinda weird too but if I got excited for a sheet a paper, I think I will get excited for a piece of plastic too.

Afterwards, my mom and I went to another place so I could get fingerprinted for my new job as a food server in a retirement community (number 93. Get a job). I was just chopped full of doing adult things today, jeesh.

Then, my wonderful mother decided that it was going to be time for me do go behind the wheel. We went to a large empty parking lot at a Baptist church near our house and she put the car in park and then got out. I too got out of the car and got in the driver’s seat. Hesitantly, I put on the seat belt and she showed me the different gears and the turn signals and stuff. Then, it was time to go into drive.

I idled for a while and in my mom’s blue Forester. Driving a car is nothing like my prior driving practice of Mario Kart Wii. Cars go fast. I handled it and I even turned both ways. AND! I used my turn signal. Success. My mom said that there was only one time where she was worried and wish she had a brake, but, that’s one time on day one;  I’m ok with that. I felt bad and kept feeling like I had to say sorry because the whole braking thing is an utterly new thing to me. I didn’t understand the whole gentle thing with the brakes; it’s a hard concept. I felt as though my poor passenger was going to knock her head on the dashboard–oops!

After driving in circles and making sure to keep my hands on the wheel while I turned (I guess your hands have to stay on the wheel..what?!?..I’m just kidding.), I was done. My poor shoulders haven’t relaxed since the drive and I don’t think I was breathing at all. But hey, you do what you gotta do.

Anyway, looking ahead for the week’s end, on Friday, it’s definite that Alicia and I are going to “run” a 5K. Whoever was stupid enough to decide to run it (me..cough, cough) is a total idiot. The last time I did a mile was last August for gym class. And then we had a semester off for Health class and my physical activity consists of taking long romantic walks to the refrigerator during breaks of Arrested Development. Netflix is a dangerous substance people. I mean, I did take a long walk yesterday and I got a mocha. It was eh–the mocha, not the walk. The walk was long. However, I have been doing the stretches my dear favorite cheerleader and tumbler extraordinaire Samantha showed Alicia and I for learning how to do the splits. I’m really close –which is not close at all in normal people’s standards..

And thanks for 27, 142 views. There are no words that Alicia and I can express to show how we really feel. You guys (and gals of course!) are what makes us continue to go. Doing the blog with my bestest friend in the land, my co-editor-in-chief of the yearbook of awesome, co-president of a club we are involved in, and my bestest friend is the junior class president (what up!), is one of the highlights of my whole life. Knowing that there are wonderful people here who care about us really makes me feel good and that this blog does have a purpose:  our purpose is to inspire and create lifelong memories and that’s more than anyone can ask for. Before I get too nauseated, I have to say adios. Continue reading; it means a lot.

Well, I have nothing else to say except I really need to go to sleep because it has been a long day.

Oh! And of course!

Much love and summer fun!

Molly and Alicia

PS: Remember to follow, like, comment, rate this post, tell your friends, family, strangers, and enemies! We don’t care! 🙂